MY EXPERIENCE: Copper IUD and Why I Chose It
MY REASON The infamous Dalkon Shield (Cr: ) The copper (non-hormonal) IUD has always had some sort of bad reputations in a world of birth controls. It's no surprise; it does have some pretty shady history. In 1971 to 1974, there were 110 cases of septic spontaneous abortions in women and even seven cases of death who had the Dalkon Shield style of copper IUD inserted. Although the design has definitely improved in the current days, the side effects of it sound so risky that many women choose to turn to other forms of birth control. (Read more here .) I was one of those women. I chose to turn to artificial birth controls when I became sexually active because of my slightly irregular cycle which would make natural family planning very risky. I approached a GP about birth control choices and the only options he offered were the Pills, the Patch, and the Shot. I didn't see it as odd at first; I mean, who was I to question a doctor? So I asked for the Pills and th...