UPDATE REVIEW: ColourPop Ultra Matte Lip Tulle
To read the first impression review, please click here . In the beauty society, ColourPop lip products are a cult favourite. There's a pretty good reason for it. Not only it is cheap (US$6 a pop, not including shipping), there is also a wide selection of colours and it does not smudge when applied correctly. After hearing brilliant reviews about it, I had decided to obtain an Ultra Matte Lip product in the colour Tulle and put it to the test. This post will only talk about its lasting power. To read about other properties, please click on the link above. LASTING POWER EXPERIMENT Rules: Lip product must be used on its own (no lip pencil, lip gloss, lip liner, etc.) Lips are to be exfoliated and moisturised properly with a lip balm before applying lip product. (Like, come on, guys. It's not even a choice anymore. You gotta do it.) No tricks shall be done to make the lip product last longer than it should be except of blotting with a sheet of tissue (no conceal...